Tag: WomenEntrepreneurs
Graduation Ceremony of SHERISE Candidates: Empowering Women...
The SHERISE programme celebrated the graduation of its participants on January 17,...
यंग इनोवेटर्स कॉन्क्लेव (YIC) और राइज झांसी हैकाथॉन 2.0...
राइज झांसी इनक्यूबेशन सेंटर और रानी लक्ष्मी बाई केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय (RLBCAU)...
From Waste to Wonder: Nirhari Handicrafts' Eco-Friendly...
Nirhari Handicrafts Pvt. Ltd. is an eco-friendly brand founded in 2022, transforming...
Celebrating the First Cohort of SHE RISE: Empowering Women...
The Manikarnika - Women Entrepreneurship Development Cell at RISE Jhansi offers...
The Need for an Incubation Center: How RISE Jhansi Incubation...
RISE Jhansi Incubation Center, a project of Jhansi Smart City, is a vital resource...
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Unveiling the Facilities...
Empowering women entrepreneurs involves providing state-of-the-art facilities like...
Empowering India's Economy: How Women Entrepreneurs Are...
The rise of Indian women entrepreneurs is not just a testament to their individual...
Empowering Female Founders: The Role of Incubation Programs...
Female founders face unique challenges in the startup ecosystem, including limited...
9 Inspirational Success Stories of Women Entrepreneurs...
These 9 women entrepreneurs in India are the perfect examples of what can happen...