Last seen: 18 days ago
31 जनवरी 1618 को राजा वीर सिंह जूदेव द्वारा झांसी किले की नींव रखी गई थी, जिसे अब...
The SHERISE programme celebrated the graduation of its participants on January 17,...
राइज झांसी इनक्यूबेशन सेंटर और रानी लक्ष्मी बाई केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय (RLBCAU)...
RISE Jhansi successfully hosted an Intern Drive on 24th October 2024, featuring...
The one-week workshop equipped startups with critical skills to elevate their marketing...
19 जुलाई को RISE झाँसी में महिला उद्यमिता विकास प्रकोष्ठ का सफलतापूर्वक उद्घाटन...
Starting a business can be challenging, but the Indian government offers a range...
AI-powered customer service is transforming the way startups manage customer interactions....
Incubation centers are evolving to adapt to the changing needs of startups and the...
RISE Jhansi Incubation Center provides a nurturing ecosystem where startups can...
Zomato, a prominent food delivery platform, has introduced the "Zero Waste Delivery"...
The मणिकर्णिका program, part of the Women Development Cell at RISE Jhansi, is dedicated...
iMAP, the Indian Market Access program, offers a comprehensive suite of benefits...
The Indian Market Access Program (iMAP) provides North American startups with tailored...
The Anatomy of a Successful Incubation Program: Key Components and Best Practices"...
Female founders face unique challenges in the startup ecosystem, including limited...